
Reason for the Season

There are so many wonderful things about the holidays that it is sometimes hard to name what you favorite thing about the holidays is, but at PEC, even though we are extremely busy during this time of year our favorite thing about this season is our opportunity to count our blessings and wish all of the people we work with all year long a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We have the privilege of working with some amazing people and equally amazing clients. We get the opportunity to spend time in some of the most beautiful venue spaces in the Northwest and we are always appreciative that we live in such a beautiful part of the world.

There is something so joyful about looking around and seeing holiday lights and decorations. They represent happiness and warmth. Well at PEC we are filled with happiness that we get to do the job we love every day and are hearts are filled with warmth for all the people who we share this journey with.

We encourage everyone we know to find that one special thing about the holiday season that really means something to you and focus on that during the craziness of the holiday season. After all, the holidays are about celebrating what is special to us in a way that is special to us.

Happy holidays from the PEC team!