
With Gratitude for You

At PEC December is one of the busiest months of the year and we know that we aren’t alone in that. We realize you may not be working the long hours we are but for most people December is filled with a lot of social obligations that take up a lot of what would be your time off during the evening and weekends. It can almost be too busy of a time of year and we often hear our friends and family saying they wish they could take a vacation from the social obligations and just skip ahead to the New year when things settle down a bit.

We understand how people can feel that way and during this time of year we find ourselves encouraging our clients, family and friends to really focus on taking care of themselves in the whirlwind of activities that December brings. (Yes, we do try to listen to our own advice) It’s important to everyone to avoid burnout during this time of year when we are supposed to be excited about the holidays and the opportunity to gather with those we love to celebrate special moments.

So in honor of this time of year, PEC wants to send a special shout out to all the people who make the PEC world a special place for us and encourage you all to take care of yourselves during this time of year and remember to Live Well, Laugh Often, and Love Deeply:

Our Venues: It is truly an honor to work with some of the best venues in the greater Seattle area and even some nationally and internationally. You provide the backdrops for us to host some truly amazing events and we never forget that!

Our Vendors: At PEC we truly believe we are only as good as our vendors and we know we have the privilege to work some of the very best vendors in the events industry. We love working with you and we so appreciate your can-do attitude. You make us shine!

Our Clients: A day doesn’t go by that we aren’t thankful for each and every one of the amazing people we get an opportunity to work for and we appreciate every event you entrust us with. We are truly honored to work on each event and we love the relationships we have with all of you.

Our Family & Friends: You are the support behind us, our own personal cheerleading team and often our support staff. Thank you so much for all you do for us throughout the year. We truly love an appreciate you all!

In gratitude for a wonderful 2013 and with excitement to see what 2014 brings us – Jamie & Trina