
“I Can Make It”

I have a disease. It’s the “I can make that” disease. Maybe it comes from years as an event planner, or maybe I was just born this way. Either way it’s an ailment that I am constantly battling.  I will see something that I love and convince myself that it will be cheaper to make it than to buy it. So inevitably I end up either  A. Not making the item ever, or B. Trying to make it and end up spending more money than I would have if I would have just purchased it. Don’t get me wrong, I am a crafty gal and can hold my own. Not every project ends up in the trash bin. That said, I am trying to be better about assessing when it’s actually better to buy something instead of trying to make it. It’s a balance, and it’s not going well. Just last week I was convinced that I should just try to make my own Book Purse and here we are two weeks later, no book purse so to speak (lots of parts, hot glue burns, odds and ends, some failed trials…) but yet I have mysteriously dedicated $25 towards the project. All this to say, sometimes we should appreciate some one else’s talent and spend the money for great one of a kind crafty purchased. Here are some things I am stalking and plan to purchase (after I quit trying to figure out how I can make them in my head and give in to the purchase!).

  1. Amazing Recycled Book Purses
  2. A pair of these amazing earrings by Octavia Bloom
  3. Mason Jar Chandelier for my deck:
  4. Mason Jar Wine Glasses (For backyard BBQ’s!): glasses?ref=sr_gallery_10&ga_search_query=mason+jar+wine+glasses&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=US&ga_search_type=all

Amazing jersey convertible dress: